EY-Nottingham Spirk Innovation Hub
EY challenged us to radically reimagine the corporate workshop experience, enabling EY leaders to roll up their sleeves with clients, inspire them, and conclude each session with concrete ideas. With those goals in mind, we worked worked with EY to develop their new Experience Center within the EY-Nottingham Spirk Innovation Hub (visit https://www.ey.com/en_us/ey-nottingham-spirk-innovation-hub to learn more).
Nottingham Spirk is a renowned product development skunkworks and laboratory. When they joined forces with EY, they asked us to design the experience to support this revolutionary partnership inside the Innovation Hub, a 66,000 square-foot resource for innovation and product development across all business sectors.
Experience Design, Interior Architecture
The Details

Experience zones built for rapid prototyping and innovation
The primary function of the Innovation Hub is curated, invite-only experiences, led by a trained team of subject matter experts and dynamic facilitators. We designed three intimate collaboration spaces called Experience Zones where these experts can work with clients. Massive touchscreen canvases allow EY SMEs to give more immersive case studies, with a particular use case to stream real-time, life-sized video of workers in the field.
In a post-COVID environment, we had to design for a large number of virtual attendees who were not in person at the Innovation Hub. Each zone provides an equitable experience for remote participants — high resolution cameras, microphones, and dedicated display monitors to make those joining from around the world feel like they are on-site.

The Showroom of the Future
How could we reimagine the dull conference room brainstorming experience? To make a more realistic, more active experience for all, we transformed a legacy space into a fully-immersive platform for creating the future. With large-format touchscreens and elegant display cases for headsets, the space enables real-time collaborations in augmented and virtual reality. The space can inspire groups with “show mode,” then invite all to stand and actively contribute their ideas to one of the five canvases that surround the room. All furniture is modular and easy to move, allowing the room to quickly reconfigure into a product focus group testing area.

Collaborative wavespace™
With one of the largest video walls the size of a two-car garage door (the largest in any wavespace), this impressive multi-use room can be configured for traditional presentations or breakout discussions.
You can learn more about the EY-Nottingham Spirk Innovation Hub at https://www.ey.com/en_us/ey-nottingham-spirk-innovation-hub